Recitals and Performances

I am a huge believer in performing, especially live. It builds confidence, self-esteem, and reminds a student what those hours of practice and learning can bring!

“Breathe in the music and breathe out your performance.”


A truly great teacher not only encourages her students, but reminds them often about why they love music. The way in which I do this is by organizing annual recitals for each group level: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced students. In the past we have done an adult recital where there is enough interest.

Some students may prefer more advanced competitions and others may want to start with a low key stage experience first. Please see the next section about alternate chances to shine.

Other Performance Opportunities

Through my professional memberships, I make sure my students know about and have access to musicales and events organized through the MTNA and its regional affiliates. Here they can express themselves through various pieces not only among their age group but across year groups.

I am looking to expand our scope to perform at community events, charity events, and other public spaces. Overall, I believe that participation in performance, even on a small scale, is a perfect accompaniment to classroom hours for a student to express him or herself and to develop musically. Please keep your eyes on the News section for updates and more information!

Additionally, I eagerly encourage my more advanced students to enter MTNA contests, competitions, and festivals. I am proud to say that just this year a student of mine won 2nd place, silver medal at the Baroque festival held in Houston.